Friday, May 25, 2007

St. Philomena's Update

Today, 5/25/2007, I went to St. Philomena's to give the 6th graders a talk on marketing their book. The kids worked very hard to get their stories to the point where they were ready to be published. The artwork is also terrific. I'm very proud of these students and I know they learned a lot during the time I spent with them. Next year, I'll be helping the kids all year, which will give us more time to create better storylines and give the kids a chance to sell their books to the public. Next month their books will be delivered and I'll come in to help distribute them. I'll post some of their work on my website ( after I revamp it.

Done at Last!

I've finally finished The Talisman of Unification! After several years of hard work, I sent 657 pages of my manuscript to my editor, Laura Vadney, in Memphis, Tennessee. If all goes well, we should be done with the editing process some time in July, then it's off to the publisher. I'm targeting mid-October for the book's release, but again I stress, it will only be released after I feel it's ready for the public. Keep checking in for more updates.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Overlords in Phoenix

I just wanted to clarify something in my previous post. I misunderstood the whole kids play production in regards to The Overlords. The students will create a play of their own and then put on a production, which of course I will help out with. Mary pointed this out to me in an email and I wanted to be sure to pass that info along.

I think things are coming together in regards to a visit to their school in August -- I'm awaiting recommendation letters from schools that I've visited here in RI. Hopefully, we can wrap all the details up in a week or so and then plan my first visit to The Valley of the Sun! Check back for updates ...

Monday, May 7, 2007

Phoenix and the Overlords

I've been in touch with Mary Sarwark of Westwood High School in Phoenix, AZ and it appears that it's a go for The Overlords! Mary has suggested that she might want to make it a school-wide participation by having the drama club perform a play based on Legend of the Treasure, which will enable all the students to participate. We're looking at kids to write screenplay, costume design, musical scores, etc. Nothing is set yet, but it looks good. I'm hoping to visit the school in August. I'll keep you posted ....

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Overlords in Phoenix?

I recently did a book signing at T. F. Green Airport in Warwick, RI (4/27) where I met a school teacher, Mary Sarwark, from Phoenix, Arizona. She bought a copy for the Westwood High School library and also gave me a couple of names of independent bookstores in the Phoenix area. One of them, The Changing Hands Bookstore, has asked for a copy of Legend of the Treasure for review, and if they like it, they will buy a some copies for their store! I'll be sending out the book later this week and will post again when I hear back from them.

Been Away for a Bit

It's been a while since I posted something, but I'm back! I'll pick up with The Talisman of Unification. I've finished my final pass -- all 653 double-spaced, 12-pitch font pages worth! Harrison and the gang really traverse the countryside and meet a lot of surprising people and beasts. The next step for me is to re-read the story and make any necessary corrections, and then send it off to my editor, Laura Vadney of Memphis, Tennessee. If all goes well, I'm shooting to get the story to iUniverse for a release date of 10/1/2007. I will let everyone know where I'm at via this blog and my Overlords Newsletter distribution.