Friday, May 25, 2007

St. Philomena's Update

Today, 5/25/2007, I went to St. Philomena's to give the 6th graders a talk on marketing their book. The kids worked very hard to get their stories to the point where they were ready to be published. The artwork is also terrific. I'm very proud of these students and I know they learned a lot during the time I spent with them. Next year, I'll be helping the kids all year, which will give us more time to create better storylines and give the kids a chance to sell their books to the public. Next month their books will be delivered and I'll come in to help distribute them. I'll post some of their work on my website ( after I revamp it.


Anonymous said...

is "The Talisman of Unification" the sequel to the legend of the treasure, or is it the third book in the sereies, and by the way, i met you at St. Luke School in Barrington, RI said...

Hi, yes the Talisman of Unification is the sequel to Legend of the Treasure. This book actually takes place right where the first book leaves off, with Harrison and his friends lost in the woods. That's all you get from me now! Keep checking my blog for updates ...