Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Nonnie Jules Talks About Twitter

Overlord Fans, I would like to introduce to you once again, Nonnie Jules.  Nonnie is a huge Twitter supporter of mine and is taking time today to talk about her ways around the Twitter-sphere.  Enjoy!


Hi, and thanks so much for having me here once again at The Overlords!  Mike is such a great and supportive friend, he's one of the reasons for my topic today.  But, let me start off by introducing myself to his new followers, as there have been some new additions to my family since the last time I was here.

My name is NONNIE JULES and I'm a mother, a wife, an author, and a great friend, among other things.  If you're curious, I named my top four.  My first written piece of work is "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS", 100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can't Help But Love!  I published it in May of 2013, it was 102 pages long and it took me 17 days to write.  My latest baby (the newest addition I mentioned earlier) is my debut novel, "DAYDREAM'S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE'S FRIEND" and it was just released a couple of weeks ago, at the end of November, 2013.  It is a whopping 370 pages long and it took me 370 years to write!  OK, although I'm stretching that a tad, that's what it felt like to me.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's move on to the topic at hand, my title.  I started on Twitter the early part of 2013 and I WAS a fish out of water.  I had no idea what I was doing, or what I was supposed to be doing there, but I knew that I needed to market and sell my books.  Being as new as I was, early on I didn't find too many people who were willing to help teach me anything.  So, me being me, I just jumped right in.  One of the first things I noticed on Twitter, since it was the easiest social media forum for me to pick up, was I learned that people were sort of "clique-y".  You know the kind I'm speaking of, the ones who have gathered their close little net of friends and they just don't know how to let anyone new in.

I would ask questions about certain things, and I'm sure you won't believe me when I tell you this, but some of the answers I received were surely meant to discourage me to move on and go pick a new hobby other than writing.  I was sorely disappointed that I was coming across people who acted this way, especially since I'm known to be a great big supporter of others.

One of  the second things I noticed on Twitter was a thing called a BLOG TOUR.  Didn't exactly know what it was, but had stumbled across it on someone else's blog, and it just so happens that Mike was guest posting on that particular blog tour.  I contacted the owner of the blog who was a writer by the name of Taylor Fulks and I simply asked if she would be kind enough to host me one day.  She was more than happy to say "YES!" and I almost fell over from the shock!    Why?  Because I had met so many others who were not eager at all to help me in any way, and  here was this one person who said "Yes" without hesitating or without me having to promise her one of my two very special daughters.  (Then I found out she had two seemingly very special daughters of her own, so she didn't need one of mine *smile*).

From the tour that was going on there at Taylor's, I met Mike of The Overlords and you know how they say "the rest is history?", Well, let me tell you, it really is.  Since that time Mike and I have appeared on each other's blogs countless times and we have developed this friendship that reeks of nothing but mutual respect and support.  I said to him one day recently, "I know that if I can't show up anywhere else in cyberland, I always have a home at your place". That door swings both ways.

I learned on my own that I had to find a way to develop and cultivate friendships on Twitter that would be mutually beneficial for me as well as the other party.  And here are some of the ways I did that:

1)  I sat, I watched, I learned and then when the time was right, I jumped right in on a conversation and from there, if I found a person to be interesting and "of substance",  I would spread their message with a 'Retweet' and/or a 'Favorite'.  

2)  I randomly would select someone new to interact with, and again, would just sit and peruse their timeline, read their bio and start a conversation and then spread their message (again with Retweets and Favorites).

3)  I personally have developed what I call my TWITTER SUPPORT LIST.  This list is comprised of people who have been very supportive of me and I in turn, I am  EXTREMELY supportive of them.  There are others on this list, too.  These are random people who I've never interacted with, yet I (once again) read their bio, perused their timeline to see what they were all about, and then I would start to spread their message (Retweets and Favorites).  This is a habit that engages people.  It lets that random person know that you are a person supportive of others and generally they will return the favor by spreading your messages, as well as becoming a Follower of yours.

4)  Lastly, I tend to go out of my way for certain people on Twitter.  Those are the people who I can call on in a pinch, they're always the first ones to support me and my causes and they are simply over-the-top great people!  Mike, is one of those people to me.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that these people are always and will always be in my corner, no matter what.  As the kids say today:  "I know they have my back and I surely have theirs." 

So, there you have it in a nutshell...ways to make close connections and gain supportive allies on Twitter.  It's how I did it, and it's how you can do it, too.
Engage and engage some more.  There are wonderful people out there in cyber-land, I believe more than there are those clique-y types I met early on.  You just have to be patient and soon you will know that you've made the best connections and gained the most supportive of allies.

My time here is up so I'm going to leave by asking for your support.  I ask that you visit the links below to my blogs, my books and my book trailers (they are very nice to watch!).  And then I'm going to ask that you follow me for the rest of my tour.  I have some very interesting topics each day, that I really encourage you to not miss any of them.  Here is the Schedule for each leg of the tour so feel free to click on each day's open link.

I will also be awarding 3 lucky winners at the end of the tour.  The first lucky winner will receive a "DAYDREAM'S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE'S FRIEND" Swag Pack, and winners #2 and #3 will each win a $5 Amazon Gift Card!  All you have to do to win is to leave a comment below and for every comment you leave (1 per stop), you will earn 1 entry into the giveaway.  This is a 10-day tour so if you leave 10 comments, that's a comment at each stop, then you will have 10 entries into the drawing.  Isn't that fun?  

I wish you all much peace, love and great reads!  Don't forget to visit the links below and don't forget to leave us a comment! Thanks!!!

Nonnie Jules, Author
"...and her words breathe life onto paper"

General Blog
Parenting Blog
Nonnie's Book Store - Signed Copies & more
Twitter:  @nonniejules

"The Good Mommies' Guide to Raising (Almost) Perfect Daughters,"
100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can't Help But Love!


"Daydream's Daughter, Nightmare's Friend


Unknown said...

Thank you Mike for supporting both Nonnie and I as well. I love learning more about each of you and more about twitter. Nonnie and I met on twitter and have been supportive of each other since. I look forward to more of the blog tour.

Anonymous said...

And I met each of you on twitter as well and you have become good supportive friends for me. I don't know where I would be on twitter without you. Its been a great ride.