Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Third Annual Rhode Island Authors Expo

By now you probably know that the Association of Rhode Island Authors (ARIA) is holding our signature event of the year this Saturday, December 5th.  This year's Third Annual Rhode Island Authors Expo holds even more significance to me.  Last year I helped with registration and promotion, but this year I wanted to do more.  Since I was voted Vice-President of ARIA in early 2015, I felt it was time to take on a larger role.  I volunteered to be the Expo Committee Chairman and I couldn't be prouder of what we have accomplished up to date.  Behind the scenes we had to handle registration, find a location for the venue, assemble the headliners, coordinate marketing and promotions, get everyone to utilize social media, coordinate volunteers, assemble raffle prizes, draw up a floor plan, acquire sponsors, secure insurance and WiFi for the venue, create signage and posters, hit the radio circuit, give interviews in local papers and radio talk shows, and so much more!  It wasn't always easy, but we got it done.

I'd like to thank my fellow Expo Committee members, Steve Porter, Dawn Porter, Adam Wasserman, Vikki Corliss, Leigh Brown, Nora Hall, Pat Mitchell, Rob Bentley, and Julien Ayotte for being the beat and easiest people I've ever worked with.  We all took on different responsibilities and performed them extremely well.  I can't wait to see all of our hard work come to fruition on Saturday.  I know you'll enjoy the Expo, too.  Feel free to join our Facebook Expo event and all the information you need is on the flyer below.  See you there!

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