Friday, June 14, 2013

Say Hello to Nonnie Jules!

Hello, Overlords Fans!  As part of my reciprocal blog campaign, I'd like to welcome Nonnie Jules to our blog.  Nonnie hails from Louisiana and has just released a new book:

Without further adieu, I present to you, Nonnie Jules!

"I am so excited to be here with Mike @!  This is day 13 of  The (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS Blog Tour and we are picking up steam at every stop!  Mike has generously allowed me to come here and share with you, his readers, a little about myself and a little about my NEW book, "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS", 100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can't Help But Love! You would think that after 12 stops, there wouldn't be much more to share, but there are different readers at each stop and when you're promoting your book, you can never say enough, even if you begin to repeat yourself.

My name is Nonnie Jules and I am a NEW indie author, hailing from Louisiana.  I am married with two AWESOME daughters,  one a young adult, the other a teenager, and they are of course, the inspiration for my book.  When people meet my daughters for the first time, it never fails that after a few minutes of conversation with them, I'm asked the question "How did you do it?" After a little explaining from me, they then ask "How can I do it?"  After many questions, over many years, I decided to put my tips, which everyone's always asking about, into a book, and that book is now "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE...".

Since writing and publishing my book, some have started to ask a NEW question..."What is an (Almost) Perfect Daughter"?  Well, she's honest, she's intelligent, driven, compassionate, loving, God-filled and very, very RESPECTFUL...all rolled up together.  (Almost) Perfect to me looks something like this:  My 20-something year old daughter has made it thru 4 yrs of high school, 4 yrs of college, and 3 yrs of grad school all with her precious virginity still intact.  Although she would have me NOT broadcast this all the time, it's something to be extremely proud of, and we are, especially since it's not the easiest thing to do. When girls today are having babies at the age of 12 yrs, this is especially welcoming news.

I wrote this book because I wanted other parents who also WANTED to raise (almost) perfect daughters (but didn't know exactly how to do it), to have a good, solid, easy to understand blueprint to follow.  This guide is just that and then some.  It is very informative, it is enlightening and the one very surprising element of it, is it will definitely make you laugh.  None of the parenting books that I've ever glanced at made me laugh. Actually, some of them were so formal and intimidating in their wording, that they almost made me cry.  As my daughter put it, "this isn't your grandma's parenting handbook".  Nope, it's not.  This book was written for today's parents to be able to effectively steer today's daughters.  We live in a different world, and so the tools we need have to be up-to-date and ready to be used at a moments notice.

Take a peek at just ONE of the many tips you will find inside "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE...":

ENCOURAGE HER, WHETHER SHE WINS OR LOSES, SO THAT SHE UNDERSTANDS THE VALUE OF GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP.  Have you ever really watched a sore loser after a game loss?  They have an ugly scowl on their face, they're angry and they storm off the court or field with the quickness of a flick of the middle finger.  It is so sad to watch.  Obviously, no one ever taught them the value of good sportsmanship.  The best thing you can do for your daughter, whether she's competing in a sport or a spelling bee, is to teach her that "it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game." Encourage her in and out of victories, so that she will be capable of applauding and congratulating the winning team, even though she played on the losing one.

There are 98 more of these tips inside of  "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE...".  Easy to understand, very effective, witty tips.  And each one I have used in the rearing of my own daughters as well as the many girls who I have been blessed to mentor and/or mother.  GOD gave me the greatest blessing when he let me borrow these two Angel Daughters from heaven.  Would you like to know this feeling?  Well, you can.  Simply visit (Amazon) and get your very own e-book copy of  "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE...". Right now, thru the end of this tour, which ends June 17th, you can get it for only $.99!  AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO OWN A KINDLE TO GET IT!  What a great offer that is, right?

My time here is almost up, but before I leave I'd like to let you know about my upcoming projects.  I have a children's book called "KIRSTEN AND THE BIG BLUE TREE" due out at the end of this month (June, 2013), and a as-yet-to-be-titled novel with a release date of August 30, 2013.  Also at the conclusion of this tour, I will be awarding one $25 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner, but you need to head on over to to register (under the EVENTS tab).  

If you love to follow great blogs, mine will keep you in stitches.  WATCH NONNIE WRITE! is my blog and it's located at  If you like what you read there, then please hit the LIKE button and definitely the FOLLOW button.  I'm on Twitter with my morning, afternoon and evening musings @nonniejules and you can also find me on Facebook at Nonnie Jules.

Once again, thank you all so much for having me.  You were a really awesome crowd!  I look forward to seeing you around, somewhere I'm writing, very, very soon.  Thanks again, Mike!"

If you find Nonnie's material interesting, please purchase her book and help a fellow indie writer's cause!  Thanks for reading and I'll keep you all posted on my next featured author. Until next time ....

1 comment:

NJ said...

Mike thank you so much! This was a really great post and it looks and flows so very flawlessly. You did a good job with this! So appreciative, NJ