Friday, October 3, 2014

ARIA Expo Blog Tour, Adam Wasserman

Mike:  Hi, Adam.  I’m happy to have yet another Association of Rhode Island Author (ARIA) to introduce to my Overlords fan base.  As with the others, we’re going to do an old fashioned interview.  Here we go!

Mike:  Adam, please introduce yourself to my Overlords fans with a little information about you and where you’re from.

Adam:  Thanks, Mike. It's a pleasure to be here with you and your fans. My name is Adam Wasserman, an author of science- as well as speculative fiction. I'm originally from Cranston, RI, although I now spend half the year in Amsterdam. That's where I do most of my writing. And no, I don't smoke weed (anymore)!

Mike:  What are you working on these days and what’s the current status of that project?

Adam:  In May, I published the second book in The Bunker series, “Your Call Is Important To Us”. It follows the original, “Thank You For Your Cooperation”. These are darkly humorous sci-fi adventure novels set in a distant future. Humanity has polluted the Earth to such an extent that everyone lives in an underground Bunker on Mars. Which – of course – is run by a computer. But rest assured! Control has your best interests at heart. And you had better not suggest otherwise.

Inspired by the roleplaying game Paranoia, I'm planning a third installment to be released at the end of next year or early 2016.

Mike:  Can you tell the audience what inspires you to write?

Adam:  I always find this a difficult question to answer. Imagine if someone wondered why you breathe or dislike tomatoes. I've been writing stories since I was fourteen and completed my first full-length novel at eighteen. No, it wasn't any good, but I did it anyway. I guess I write because it's part of who I am!

Mike:  What genre do you enjoy writing the most?

Adam:  At the moment it's sci-fi, although I have tried my hand at other genres, including contemporary fiction. The Bunker series is dark and sarcastic and borders on space opera. What interests me the most about science fiction, however, is the characters. The technology takes second place. And that's what separates my writing from hard science fiction, where it's easy to get bogged down in lots of meaningless mumbo-jumbo. I'm not a physicist and I can't tell you much about the Higgs boson, but I do have something to say about people, our strengths and our flaws, and where we are going as a species. And that's a theme that I believe transcends any genre (that doesn't feature elves or wizards that come back from the dead, that is).

Mike:  Any upcoming projects we should now about?

Adam:  Aside from the third installment of The Bunker series, I have another science fiction novel brewing, one that takes place in a more recognizable but futuristic society where the Earth has colonies in space. Let's say we establish a permanent presence out there and it offers a viable lifestyle. Who would go? What do their children think of Earth, a place most of them have never been?

I also have a contemporary fiction novel knocking around somewhere in the back of my head. Set on our very own world, it has a distinctly spiritual quality to it. The characters react to our ever-more-inequitable society by opting out and forming their own. Because it's so secretive, its members evoke fear and jealousy from their neighbors. I hope you tune in!

Mike:  OK, time for some quick ones, ready?  Favorite movie?

Adam:  Tie between the original, Russian version of Solaris and Stalker, both Tarkovsky films.

Mike: Favorite food or dish to make?

Adam:  Caldeirada.

Mike:  Favorite place you have ever visited?

Adam:  Venezuela.

Mike:  Favorite music band?

Adam:  The Doors.

Mike:  Favorite book, and no it can’t be one of yours!

Adam:  The World According to Garp

Mike:  Adam, thanks for being such a good sport!  Is there anything you would like to leave my fans with?

Adam:  Keep reading!

Mike:  Adam, thanks for being part of this great blog series.  Please follow the links below to get in touch with Adam and most importantly, buy his books!

Your Call Is Important To Us is not on it yet. I guess it's too new: Your Call Is Important To Us  


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