Thursday, October 30, 2014

ARIA Expo Blog Tour, Nora Hall

Mike:  Hi, Nora.  I’m happy to have yet another Association of Rhode Island Author (ARIA) to introduce to my Overlords fan base.  As with the others, we’re going to do an old fashioned interview.  Here we go!

Mike:  Nora, please introduce yourself to my Overlords fans with a little information about you and where you’re from.

Nora: I’m Nora Hall, author of Survive Your Husband’s Retirement. The book is a light-hearted look at the trials, joys and tribulations of adjusting to a retirement marriage. My husband’s retirement sparked the research and the research sparked the book!

Mike:  What are you working on these days and what’s the current status of that project?

Nora:  Right now I’m working on creating workshops to help people plan for and adjust to the changes that frequently occur when we retire. Although Survive was primarily written for women with retired husbands, I have discovered that almost everyone experiences some difficulty adjusting to retirement. Consequently, the workshops focus on the social changes we ALL encounter in retirement––regardless of whether one is single, married, in a partnership or even an almost total recluse. I am also working on my second book, Retirement Shock. It will include information and support for all of the above situations.

Mike:  Can you tell the audience what inspires you to write?

Nora: First and foremost, I am inspired by really good writers such as Myala Angelou, Nicholas Evans or our own RI writer, Betty Cotter. Content wise, I’m inspired by people who have strong views of retirement––positive or negative and their stories.

Mike:  What genre do you enjoy writing the most?

Nora: My favorite genre is Historical Fiction—-from centuries ago as well as just yesterday.

Mike:  Any upcoming projects we should now about?

Nora: In addition to participating in ARIA’s Expo on November 8th, I’ll be speaking on  Retirement Shock at the HIVE in North Kingstown on October 30.

Mike:  OK, time for some quick ones, ready?  Favorite food or dish to make?

Nora:  My favorite foods are just about any kind of fish and great hors d’oeuvres. 
to cook…Sometimes I like to explore and create a new recipe—especially when I don’t have the ingredients in house that the recipe calls for.

Mike:  Favorite place you have ever visited?

Nora:  Waiheke Island in New Zealand

Mike:  Favorite book, and no it can’t be one of yours!

NoraThe Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I found the the author’s use of voice quite intriguing and I loved that I could enjoy a touching, but sad, story while also learning a great deal about the people who lived in Europe during WWII.

Mike:  Nora, thanks for being such a good sport!  Is there anything you would like to leave my fans with?

Nora:  Thanks for the opportunity to speak to your fans; I hope many of them will join us at the EXPO in November. Anyone seeking more information about my book or workshops can find it on

Mike:  Nora, thanks for being part of this great blog series.  Please follow the links below to get in touch with Nora and most importantly, buy her books!

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