Wednesday, October 29, 2014

ARIA Expo Blog Tour, Patricia Hinckley

Mike:  Hi, Pat!  I’m happy to have yet another Association of Rhode Island Author (ARIA) to introduce to my Overlords fan base.  As with the others, we’re going to do an old fashioned interview.  Here we go!

Mike:  Pat please introduce yourself to my Overlords fans with a little information about you and where you’re from.

Pat:  Thank you Mike for this opportunity to introduce myself and my book Claiming Space/Finding Stillness that inspires Action. I wrote this book because I feel it is so important for each of us to step back and take time for ourselves. We’re missing out on something really important when we don’t – and more and more studies are coming out showing the benefits of taking a little bit of time away from constant on the go and our gadgets. It’s an ongoing issue for me and I suspect for many others. So my book has simple ideas for taking care of yourself that don’t take lots of time and can be done wherever you are.

I moved form Asheville, NC to live near the beach in Wakefield, RI. I love it here.

Mike:  What are you working on these days and what’s the current status of that project?

Pat:  I am working on getting my book out into the world. I am offering classes and talks in various places.

Mike:  Can you tell the audience what inspires you to write?

Pat:  I was inspired to write when I saw this dance between action and time off in my life. I suspected it was larger than just me and wanted to explore it.

Mike:  What genre do you enjoy writing the most?

Pat:  Have only written this one non fiction book.

Mike:  Any upcoming projects we should now about?

Pat:  I will be signing books at the RIC Homecoming Festival on Saturday Oct 18 and on Sat. Nov. 8 at The 2nd Annual Rhode Island Authors Expo at the West Warwick Civic Center. Beginning Feb. 23 2015 I will teach a series of 3 classes based on my book and called Time for Your Whole Health at OLLI at URI.

Mike:  OK, time for some quick ones, ready?  Favorite food or dish to make?

Pat:  Ahhh food --- I love most of what is healthy and well prepared.

Mike:  Favorite place you have ever visited?

Pat:  Italy

Mike:  Favorite book, and no it can’t be one of yours!

Pat:  How can I possibly say – there are so many.

Mike:  Pat, thanks for being such a good sport!  Is there anything you would like to leave my fans with?

Pat:  Please do take time for yourself.  Discover what is hidden beneath the busy-ness of life.

Mike:  Pat, thanks for being part of this great blog series.  Please follow the links below to get in touch with Pat and most importantly, buy her books!

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